Language Courses

General, Semi Intensive and Intensive

Whether you are a Beginner or an Advanced student, you will improve quickly and effectively while gaining confidence in
speaking, listening, reading and writing English.

Join our classes to learn English, We also offer French Language in some of our locations


  • General Information

    We know that everyone’s approach to learning is different, and over the years we’ve developed teaching modules tailored to suit your individual goals.

    We want you to reach your full potential by learning through doing, and immersing yourself in the most inspirational settings with like-minded people.

    Our General, Semi Intensive and Intensive Language Courses have defendant length of hours vary between 15 lesson per week up to 30 lessons per week

    You get 24 lessons (18 hours) per week in General English plus four lessons per week in your choice of Special Focus study.

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  • General English Course

    On the General English Course, you attend a core of 20 lessons per week, which will give you a practical understanding of the English language and take you all the way to fluency.

    Your confidence will improve as we train you in all four communication skills:

    • speaking, listening, reading and writing.

    You can also choose to extend and intensify your 20 lessons per week

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  • General English Semi-Intensive Course

    This course contains a General English Course plus additional added lessons.

    You get 24 lessons per week in General English plus four lessons per week in your choice of Special Focus study.

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  • General English Intensive Course

    This course contains a General English Course plus additional added lessons.

    Depending on the locations the additional lessons varied between 8 to 10 extra lessons per week.

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Courses Subcategories

  • Beginners English Course

    • General English Course Beginners
    • General English Course Beginners Intensive
    • General English Course Beginners Semi Intensive

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  • General English Course

    • General English Course Evening Part Time
    • General English Course AM
    • General English Course 15 AM
    • General English Course 15 PM
    • General English Course PM
    • General English Course Semi Intensive AM
    • General English Course Semi Intensive PM
    • General English Course Intensive AM
    • General English Plus IELTS 15 AM
    • General English Plus IELTS 25 AM
    • General English and Conversation Plus Pronunciation Skills AM

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  • Platinum English Courses

    • Platinum English Courses AM

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  • Small Groups Classroom

    • Mini Group General Course
    • Mini Group Intensive Course
    • Mini Group Club 50+

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  • English One to One lessons

    English One to One Lessons  

                                             Lesson Length: 45 Min

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  • Bilingual Course

    • General Bilingual Semi Intensive Course
    • General Bilingual Intensive Course

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  • General French Course

    • General French Course
    • General French Semi Intensive Course
    • General French Intensive Course

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  • French One to One Lessons

    French One to One Lessons

                                           Lesson Length: 45 Min

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South Africa

United States of America

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